APNS Public Radyo

Indigenist Talk Media for Intelligent Aboriginals

Category: Afro-Diaspora

Fourth World Radyo: Mainstream Journalism & #BlackLivesMatter: A Conversation with Andrew Westmoreland

hootsuite.com_2015-07-31_16-27-43Summary: In the wake of the in-custody-deaths of American African #SandraBland, Indigenous Americans #RexdaleHenry, #SarahLeeCircleBear and African-born #ShekuBayoh in Kirkcaldy, Scotland (and) the recent US police murders of #SamuelDuBose, #PaulCastaway, #AllenLocke and #JonathanSanders, Fourth World Radyo speaks with independent journalist and activist Andrew Westmoreland ( @drewwest_press ) who has been chronicling the #BlackLivesMatter movement since the Ferguson Uprising.

He offers his personal insights into the factors that inform editorial decisions made within US newsrooms and speculates on how grassroots, independent media can balance-out the general public’s scope of understanding issues surrounding social justice.

Listen / Download: 01:01:56 – (Mp3) 35.0MB / (Ogg)

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP  + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’

Be sure to catch 4WR on:
4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

Fourth World Radyo: African Objectivity versus Black Angst: The Dilemma of Liberationist Politic


Summary: TheAngryindian speaks on the circular-trap of allowing anger and frustration to confuse and diffuse the pragmatic solutions we are all seeking to the collective neo-Colonial / neo-Liberal problems Indigenous, African and Spanish-speaking Peoples still face in the modern United States of (North) America.

Listen / Download: 2:10:03 – (mp3) 99.0MB / (Ogg) 81.1MB

Notes: We want to hear from You! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can intelligently respond to our respective and collective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

4th World Radyo: The ‘New’ Negro in Obama’s America: A Frank Discussion Between Malachi Daniels and TheAngryindian

hootsuite.com_2015-07-21_09-15-31Summary: This dispatch of Fourth World Radyo features an open-ended Skype parliament (discussion) with North American street-activist and Afrocentric political educator Malachi Daniels (@Fanonian) and FWR host Abiyomi Kofi (@TheAngryindian) trading thoughts on the current state of the American African, living gracefully under the constant threat of racial terrorism and police brutality under the watchful eye of a Black president.

Is the Obama administration simply observing the situation in abject silence, or is his administration actually aiding and abetting the injustice as a part of the class-war? These questions and others round out the discussion. Topics include many wide-ranging subjects and matters centred upon the paralysing, self-colonising trends developing in American (and Motherland) African culture(s) and what this might mean for Africans faced with physical survival within this century. All this and more on Fourth World Radyo!

Listen / Download: (3:24:28 long) – 118.7M (mp3) / 100.8M (ogg)

Split for Radio Re-Broadcast:

1- NewAmericanAfricanIdentity-Part1.mp3      01:42:16  (63.8MB) Stereo – Download File
2- NewAmericanAfricanIdentity-Part2.mp3      01:42:41  (54.9MB) Stereo – Download File
3- NewAmericanAfricanIdentity-Part1.ogg      (51.9MB) Stereo – Download File
4- NewAmericanAfricanIdentity-Part2.ogg      (48.9MB) Stereo – Download File

Further Reading:

We want to hear from You! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can intelligently respond to our respective and collective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

4th World Radyo: The American Heart of Right-Wing Terrorism – The Dylann Roof Attack upon the Gullah People

Proving public opinion wrong: Non-Muslim - or 'homegrown' - extremists have carried out 19 such attacks in the 14 years since September 11, 2001, killing 48 people, according to the report by New AmericaSummary: This dispatch features a conversation between FWR host TheAngryindian (@TheAngryindian) and Gervias Butler (dreamchaser.com / @SELFMADE_G22) discussing the blatant double-standard and fluidity of terrorism definitions in the United States and how traditional White Privilege and cultural solidarity gives a pass to racist, right-wing, politically conservative Caucasian domestic mass-killers.

Listen/Download: –02:07:40- (mp3) / (ogg)

We want to hear from You! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can intelligently respond to our respective and collective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

4th World Radyo: Dylann ‘Storm’ Roof: Neo-Confederate Terrorism & Caucasian Paranoia In North America

absoluterights.com_2015-06-19_10-17-12Summary: In the wake of an open confession by the 21-year-old White Supremacist charged with the murders of nine American Africans at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church in Charleston, South Carolina, (Gullah Nation territories) President Obama and the US corporate media have yet to condemn the attack as an act of domestic terrorism or even, anti-African racism. Law enforcement officials as well as his living partner have been quoted, clarifying that the shooter, Dylann ‘Storm’ Roof is a committed Confederate Segregationist and White Supremacist that has told investigators that he had intended ‘to start a race war’ when he attacked the church’s Bible study class. Roof was captured, (accidentally) in North Carolina and faced nine murder counts, but not terrorism charges.

TheAngryindian speaks about the under-reported open questions of this tragedy with Oakland-based US Human Rights activist ViolentFanon (@violentfanon) on the subject(s) of Euro-Settler institutional racialism, its relationship to race-based terrorism and how (and why) White People should (and must) step up and actualise their own rhetoric by joining the struggle against organised American fascism through solidarity and decisive action alongside the victims of xenophobic injustice and violence.

Listen / Download: 01:02:10 -Stereo- 128Kbps (mp3-38.2MB) / (ogg-33.03MB)

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your favourite Pirate Radio, Shortwave or Internet Broadcast station!

We want to hear from You! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can intelligently respond to our respective and collective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

4th World Radyo : The Doelzal Effect: White Lies and #WrongSkin

ixquick-proxy.com_2015-06-17_11-34-48Summary: TheAngryindian speaks with Post-Racial Community Activist Sinclair Skinner (sinclairskinner.com@SkinnerLiber8ed) about the recent racial-identity scandal rocking the leadership role of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) over former organisation head, Rachel Doelzal and her public outing (by her own family) as a ‘genetic’ European-American (and settler) who has lived the past decade under an assumed American African identity.  What does this situation mean for social progress and understanding when African people in the United States are killed at a rate of #Every28Hours by out-of-control police officers and xenophobic vigilantes? And how does her fraud assist in validating White American apathy and angst when use the Doelzal scandal to de-legitimise the entire movement for civil and human rights in North America? Extra: National Organisation for Women (NOW) leader Gloria Steinem speaks on her time as an operative for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) while she worked on developing the US left during the 1960’s. All this and more on Intelligent Aboriginal Radyo!

Listen / Download: 00:45:05  – (mp3) / (ogg) Stereo

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]



Resisting Anglophone Apathy: Ignoring the Genocidal Self-Immolation of Kalief Browder Through the Public Baptism of Caitlyn Jenner : Aboriginal Press News Service Public Radio (APNSPR)

twitter.com_2015-06-13_16-07-52Summary: TheAngryindian asks: What is more important to the North American general public? The slow and agonising death of an innocent, young African man (Khalif Browder) who was falsely arrested; illegally detained; unlawfully brutalised and ultimately destroyed as a human being by individuals who operate a virtual US system of institutional injustice, the 43-year purgatory of solitary confinement endured by Bro. Albert Woodfox for being an unrepentant African-Rights activist or, the very public (and relatively peaceful and very expensive) transformation of former Olympic athlete Caitlyn Jenner, a staunch US Republican whose political party and social culture is proudly hateful and actively antagonistic towards Transgendered and African people alike. The blatant contradictions of such a scenario says much about the moral quality of the United States under the Obama administration and a lot more about the people who actually make up the US social fabric itself. EXTRA: Two archived conversations between the late journalist Gil Noble speaking with American African social activist and US political prisoner, The Hon. Bro. Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown) discussing the colonial state of the African in North America.

Listen / Download: 115.4 MB — [mp3] / [ogg]

Further Information: Amy Goodman’s column: “Kalief Browder, Albert Woodfox & the Torture of Solitary Confinement” — [ow.ly/OewoK]

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your local Pirate Radio Station…

Fourth World Radyo: The #BaltimoreUprising and Afro-Academic Schadenfreude

Summary@TheAngryindian speaks with San Francisco-based independent journalist and film-maker Rebecca Pierce (@aptly_engineerd / vimeo.com/weirdsistertv) about the ‘Don’t Judge Blacks Differently’ video starring Chloe Valdary, a pro-Zionist American African student sponsored by Prager University: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl7Q36V9pg4&feature=youtu.be] and the problems it presents to general public comprehension of the multifaceted historical and legal issues that sparked the Baltimore Riots and subsequent uprising. The question is asked: What is the Jew of African descent to do when confronted with anti-African racialism; Revisionist Zionism; anti-Palestinian prejudice and the anti-cosmopolitan politics of right-wing/neo-Fascist People-of-Colour? Her answer is the best part of the show.

EXTRA: A historical sample of the mind-melting, Jew-hating, xenophobic non-logic of the late William Pierce, (absolutely no relation to our esteemed guest) the infamous White Supremacist author of the equally-infamous ‘Turner Diaries‘, a virtual handbook for ‘Lone Wolf’ neo-Fascists that inspired the Oklahoma federal building attackers, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols (and anyone else that may have been involved).

Listen / Download: Stereo – 00:55:59 mp3 (35.5MB) — OGG (30.2MB) Stereo)

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]

UPDATED: 4thWorldRadyo: The Dogs of Race War: Negro Mercenaries and The Baltimore Uprising

Summary: This dispatch concerns the events leading up to and surrounding the recent killing of yet another unarmed American African, Freddie Gray, by ‘Peace’ Officers in the US city of Baltimore, MD for the crime of ‘looking at the officer directly in the eye’. The young man’s neck, spine and larynx were crushed and broken en route to police HQ after beating him on the street. (Rumour has it that the man who filmed the initial assault on FG has been detained. As of this posting, we could not confirm this story)

Man Who Filmed Freddie Gray Video Arrested, Alleges Police Harassment — Headlines for May 04, 2015 | Democracy Now!: The man who filmed one of the videos of Freddie Gray’s arrest has spoken out after he was arrested and released without charge. Kevin Moore said police have harassed and intimidated him, publicizing his photo and asking him to come forward, even though he says they already knew who he was. Moore was arrested Thursday along with two other “cop watch” activists from Ferguson, Missouri, for what he says police claimed was an illegal turn. He told Vice News he believes the arrest was an attempt to intimidate him. Kevin Moore: “I was arrested last night on some false, bogus intimidation s—t. Like they really tried to intimidate me. They really tried to intimidate me, and they took me down to precinct for like six, seven hours. I don’t get no charge papers. I don’t get no citations. I don’t get none of that. So what am I being charged for? You know what I mean? What am I being detained for?”

Further discussion looks at the recent video released by Prager University featuring Chloé Simone Valdary titled: ‘Don’t Judge Blacks Differently’ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl7Q36V9pg4&feature=youtu.be] which essentially (and done with expert vagueness) demonises White progressive sentiment for the victims of police brutality and the communal anger of many young Africans by equating the violence that occurred during the rioting in Baltimore with the racist terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan (not to be confused with the Katipunan-KKK, the Philippine anti-colonial resistance). For clarity, here is a link to the brief Twitter conversation @TheAngryindian had with @cvaldary about this subject: [https://twitter.com/cvaldary/status/593156392829132800] EXTRA: Master of the obvious, the late Orson Welles, reads from the written testimony of Brother Isaac Woodward, a decorated World War Two veteran returning home (in uniform) from his service who was blinded by a racist police officer in the US state of Georgia after a dispute with a bigoted bus driver. A sad lesson on how much things have not changed.

Listen / Download: 02:41:29 128Kbps mp3 — (112.5MB) Stereo — (OGG Version)

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’ SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’ VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’ Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’ APNSPR (RSS) + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio

Be sure to catch 4WR on: Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ] Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ] The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]

Fourth World Radyo: 500 More Years of White Racist Colonialism And Abuse?


Foto via: democracynow.org

Summary: TheAngryindian offers his thoughts on the daylight, public execution of Walter Scott by a murderous United States police officer in the American South; his disgust at the unforgivable colonialist disrespect and institutional misogyny shown by the Euro-settler Canadian justice system to the loss of First Nations #MMIW victim, Sister Cindy Gladue and some brief comments on the Death-by-Neglect programme in the for-profit US gulag-complex against American journalist and MOVE Organisation activist #Mumia abu-Jamal.

Listen / Download: 02:06:19 —  128Kbps mp3 — (97.6MB) Stereo – OGG version (Because someone asked)

Dispatch Notes:

We like to network! So let us know if you rebroadcast this Internet Radio Broadcast (IRB) and be sure to Request/Return a filled-out international QSL! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can effectively, non-violently and intelligently respond to our respective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your local Pirate Radio Station…

Fourth World Radyo: Political Prisoner #Mumia abu-Jamal: Medical Crisis Update 02.04.2015

Summary: The APNSPR 60-Plus second Indigenist News Report —

Listen / Download: 00:01:34 128Kbps mp3 — (1MB) Stereo

Primary data culled from: http://www.prisonradio.org/news/alert — Mumia Reportedly transferred back to Prison Infirmary

Breaking News. Dateline: Thurs. April 2st. Pottsville, PA
Mumia was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Schukylkill Medical Center on Monday morning after losing consciousness due diabetic shock (with a blood sugar level of 779 and a sodium level of 160). After 20hrs of vigil his wife Wadiya and his brother Keith Cook were given 30 minutes each to see him. Pam Africa, listed on Mumia’s medical records as his emergency medical contact was also denied a visit.

On Wednesday Bill Cook (Mumia’s youngest brother) and Jamal Hart (Mumia’s oldest son) visited him. Mumia’s condition was distressing. Jamal Hart left the room after ten minutes, distressed that his father was in pain. Bill Cook reports that Mumia was very ill. He had labored breathing, was in pain, thirsty, and he was shaking. He also had difficulty getting out of bed. He was chained with one hand to the rail. Except for the two short visits on Monday and Tuesday, he was without any family contact. He was denied all other visits including legal visits.

The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections created an arbitrary and capricious rule on Wednesday, announcing that immediate family members would only be permitted to visit once a week. This means that Mumia’s wife, brothers, and son will be prevented from returning to visit until next week. Given that everyone else – lawyers included – are banned from visiting. Unless we organize to change it- Mumia will have no visitors today, and he will go the rest of the week without any contact with family or others. This is inhumane. Unacceptable. And must be changed.

On Thursday, Pam Africa will be keeping vigil at the hospital. We call on the world to demand that visitation from immediate family members, and his sister Pam Africa, be allowed more than once per week while Mumia is in critical condition. We ask everyone to put our “eyes” on our brother, and give him support and comfort as he fights for his life.

On Good Friday Join supporters will rally at the DOC headquarters in Mechanicsburg PA. At 11:00 am.

Please join our campaign to secure Mumia’s ability to get treatment. Contribute to Mumia’s medical fund at: bit.ly/rise4mumia

Notes: eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your local Pirate Radio Station…

4th World Radyo: Conscious Being And Ethical Nothingness 01.03.2015

Summary: TheAngryindian offers his thoughts on the untimely transition of North American Indigenous activist and Leonard Peltier supporter Ms. Joan Rodriguez (known on Twitter as @Joanie399) and the passing of actor Leonard Nimoy and his importance as a cultural icon for people of mixed-heritage around the world. Spoken word follows in the main segment and an archived lecture from US Marxist professor and political critic Dr. Michael Parenti speaking about the obvious right-wing perspective that is to be found within mainstream media bias in the United States.

Listen / Download: 02:42:30 128Kbps mp3 – (93.1MB) Stereo

*We like to network! So let us know if you rebroadcast this Internet Radio Broadcast (IRB) and be sure to Request/Return a filled-out international QSL! (download one here: http://wp.me/3dV9c) Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can effectively, non-violently and intelligently respond to our respective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]