APNS Public Radyo

Indigenist Talk Media for Intelligent Aboriginals

Month: January, 2017

Genuine Justice: Sterilization Abuse of Native American Women – KRUI Radio


Genuine Justice: Sterilization Abuse of Native American Women – KRUI Radio — Dr. Connie Pinkerton-Uri, a doctor of Choctaw and Cherokee heritage, was the first to notice the pattern of forced sterilizations done by the Indian Health Services (IHS) system. In November of 1972, a 26 year old patient asked Dr. Pinkerton-Uri for a “womb transplant” because an IHS doctor had performed a hysterectomy on her when he diagnosed her with alcoholism. After seeing two other patients who were forced to undergo sterilization by the IHS, Dr. Pinkerton-Uri started to investigate.

One tactic that the IHS routinely utilized was to sterilize women without their consent during other, unrelated surgical procedures. For example, performing a routine appendectomy and then also doing a tubal ligation without consent. According to the American Indian Quarterly in 2000, at least 25% of Native women between the ages of 15 through 45 were coercively sterilized during the 1970s. This is an overwhelming portion of the population.

The Guttmacher Institute finds that today, 25.9% of women have undergone some type of sterilization surgery as their chosen method of contraception. For the rate of Native women who were forced to have a sterilization to be the same rate as the amount of women who haven chosen to have the procedure done demonstrates how far this systematic sterilization campaign went.

4th World Radyo :: ‘False Promises, Broken Dreams and Ersatz Progressivism’ :: What Next for the International Afro-Left Under Trump’s White Nationalism?


Summary: TheAngryindian speaks with Afro-American Afrocentric philosopher; veteran street-activist and Black historical raconteur Malichi Daniels (@Fanonian) about the Donald Trump administration’s wildly unpopular (and under-voted) occupation of the US White House and what this means for People-of-Colour state-side and Indigenous Peoples across the Fourth World. Topics include Bro. Daniels on-site observations on the racialist politics of Occupied Hawai’i; Activist self-care; the current schism(s) between Negro assimilationists, far-right ‘Hoteps’ and actual liberation movements that are clear about their politics; White Liberals in the United States; the Pacific Northwest #AntiFa movement; The massive #WomensMarch; #NoDAPL; African Misogyny; Homophobia and Skin-Colour rivalries versus mature analysis and behaviour. EXTRAS: ‘Free Calvin Buari’ [www.freecalvinbuari.com]

All this and much more on, 4WR.

The official Internet radio broadcast of the Aboriginal Press News Service/ANG

Listen / Download: 02:10:40 (mp3) / (ogg)

Further Reading:

Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can effectively, non-violently and intelligently respond to our respective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘aboriginalradio@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

Democratic Discombobulation: Partisan Politic and Leftist Pacifism as Pathology in North America


Summary: TheAngryindian and Guadalupe Morales take a last look at 2016 by honouring Festivus and conducting an ‘Airing of Grievances’ on the dynamics of thoughtless partisanism in mainstream USA/Canadian/Mexican political ideologies and the visible reluctance of the political Left in getting its act together to defeat the international and domestic rush towards a 21st century form of tribalistic ‘Democratic Fascism’. TheAngryindian asks why instead of challenging the far-right, the USA and Canadian ‘progressive movements’ are embracing the Russian government and still making excuses for Julian Assange and the active role of the supposedly neutral Wikileaks organisation in assisting the far-right, Russian government-supported Donald Trump campaign tilt the 2016 Election in the sociopolitical favour of misogynists, White Supremacists, right-wing domestic terrorists and potentially, Russian organised crime syndicates (Vory v Zakone).
Extras: Rare American Oi! from The Press: ‘Just Another Warning’; audio-articles from mainstream media profiling far-right Russian politician and former KGB colonel Vladimir Putin and his known connections to the assassinations of reporters; political dissidents and ex-FSB intelligence agents such as Alexander V. Litvinenko and the near-assassinations of people like Viktor Yushchenko, a politician of Ukraine.

All this and much more on, 4WR.

The official internet radio broadcast of the Aboriginal Press News Service/ANG

Listen / Download: — 02:58:00 — (mp3) / (Ogg)

Further Reading:

Notes: Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can effectively, non-violently and intelligently respond to our respective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘aboriginalradio@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]