APNS Public Radyo

Indigenist Talk Media for Intelligent Aboriginals

Month: June, 2015

4th World Radyo: Genocide, Totalitarianism And Human Rights In Occupied Gaza

freehaifa.wordpress.com_2015-06-29_06-58-05Summary: TheAngryindian speaks with US-based anti-Zionist activist Jennifer Gorelick (@Thalwen) about the recent human rights reports that have been made public on the behaviour of the State of Israel as a political entity against the human and territorial rights of Indigenous Palestinians under the watchful eye of the United Nations.

Listen/Download:  01:24:14 — (mp3) / (ogg)

Further Data:

Israel bars foreign activist flotilla from reaching Gaza | Reuters

Gaza-bound flotilla vessel seized by Israeli navy – Al Jazeera English

The Battle Over the Gaza Flotilla | The Nation

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Be sure to catch 4WR on:

Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your favourite Pirate Radio, Shortwave or Internet Broadcast station!

4th World Radyo: The American Heart of Right-Wing Terrorism – The Dylann Roof Attack upon the Gullah People

Proving public opinion wrong: Non-Muslim - or 'homegrown' - extremists have carried out 19 such attacks in the 14 years since September 11, 2001, killing 48 people, according to the report by New AmericaSummary: This dispatch features a conversation between FWR host TheAngryindian (@TheAngryindian) and Gervias Butler (dreamchaser.com / @SELFMADE_G22) discussing the blatant double-standard and fluidity of terrorism definitions in the United States and how traditional White Privilege and cultural solidarity gives a pass to racist, right-wing, politically conservative Caucasian domestic mass-killers.

Listen/Download: –02:07:40- (mp3) / (ogg)

We want to hear from You! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can intelligently respond to our respective and collective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

4th World Radyo: Dylann ‘Storm’ Roof: Neo-Confederate Terrorism & Caucasian Paranoia In North America

absoluterights.com_2015-06-19_10-17-12Summary: In the wake of an open confession by the 21-year-old White Supremacist charged with the murders of nine American Africans at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church in Charleston, South Carolina, (Gullah Nation territories) President Obama and the US corporate media have yet to condemn the attack as an act of domestic terrorism or even, anti-African racism. Law enforcement officials as well as his living partner have been quoted, clarifying that the shooter, Dylann ‘Storm’ Roof is a committed Confederate Segregationist and White Supremacist that has told investigators that he had intended ‘to start a race war’ when he attacked the church’s Bible study class. Roof was captured, (accidentally) in North Carolina and faced nine murder counts, but not terrorism charges.

TheAngryindian speaks about the under-reported open questions of this tragedy with Oakland-based US Human Rights activist ViolentFanon (@violentfanon) on the subject(s) of Euro-Settler institutional racialism, its relationship to race-based terrorism and how (and why) White People should (and must) step up and actualise their own rhetoric by joining the struggle against organised American fascism through solidarity and decisive action alongside the victims of xenophobic injustice and violence.

Listen / Download: 01:02:10 -Stereo- 128Kbps (mp3-38.2MB) / (ogg-33.03MB)

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
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VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
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APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your favourite Pirate Radio, Shortwave or Internet Broadcast station!

We want to hear from You! Forward us your suggestions as to how Aboriginal & African communities can intelligently respond to our respective and collective issues. Your suggestions and audio responses might be mentioned/played on future dispatches.

4th World Radyo : The Doelzal Effect: White Lies and #WrongSkin

ixquick-proxy.com_2015-06-17_11-34-48Summary: TheAngryindian speaks with Post-Racial Community Activist Sinclair Skinner (sinclairskinner.com@SkinnerLiber8ed) about the recent racial-identity scandal rocking the leadership role of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) over former organisation head, Rachel Doelzal and her public outing (by her own family) as a ‘genetic’ European-American (and settler) who has lived the past decade under an assumed American African identity.  What does this situation mean for social progress and understanding when African people in the United States are killed at a rate of #Every28Hours by out-of-control police officers and xenophobic vigilantes? And how does her fraud assist in validating White American apathy and angst when use the Doelzal scandal to de-legitimise the entire movement for civil and human rights in North America? Extra: National Organisation for Women (NOW) leader Gloria Steinem speaks on her time as an operative for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) while she worked on developing the US left during the 1960’s. All this and more on Intelligent Aboriginal Radyo!

Listen / Download: 00:45:05  – (mp3) / (ogg) Stereo

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’
Be sure to catch 4WR on:
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]



4th World Radyo: The Metis People – Recognition, Reconciliation and Resistance

Summary: TheAngryindian speaks with Metis Nation political activist, feminist and writer Samantha Nock (halfbreedsreasoning.wordpress.com / @sammymarie) about her most recently published work: ‘Protecting Our Truths‘, which discusses the residual, generational ethnocide suffered by her relations and other Indigenous Peoples because of the mistreatment they endured within the xenophobic and exploitative gulag of the Canadian Residential School system.

Her frank and fearless essay is a powerful, soul-jarring narrative of historical pain, lingering grief and the proud refusal of the Metis People to die quietly for the benefit of Occupied Canada. As a writer, Ms. Nock embodies the soul of the humble warrior, articulating – with quiet eloquence – the Indigenous right-to-resist against Euro-Settler xenophobia and the incessant pressures of Anglophone hegemony. As an Indigenous feminist, she presents a strong and unapologetic voice to the humiliating disgrace of racist, misogynist indifference towards the welfare of Aboriginal Women past and present. She reminds us with each sentence, that the silent defiance of our elders is an ongoing sacrifice many endure on behalf of their descendants, wishing to protect them from the horrors they experienced. It is a story of survival. And if you read nothing else this year, you owe it to yourself to read this. – [Protecting Our Truths | A Halfbreed’s Reasoning]”


Listen / Download:  00:54:36 – 128Kbps — (mp3) / (ogg)

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP  + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

Resisting Anglophone Apathy: Ignoring the Genocidal Self-Immolation of Kalief Browder Through the Public Baptism of Caitlyn Jenner : Aboriginal Press News Service Public Radio (APNSPR)

twitter.com_2015-06-13_16-07-52Summary: TheAngryindian asks: What is more important to the North American general public? The slow and agonising death of an innocent, young African man (Khalif Browder) who was falsely arrested; illegally detained; unlawfully brutalised and ultimately destroyed as a human being by individuals who operate a virtual US system of institutional injustice, the 43-year purgatory of solitary confinement endured by Bro. Albert Woodfox for being an unrepentant African-Rights activist or, the very public (and relatively peaceful and very expensive) transformation of former Olympic athlete Caitlyn Jenner, a staunch US Republican whose political party and social culture is proudly hateful and actively antagonistic towards Transgendered and African people alike. The blatant contradictions of such a scenario says much about the moral quality of the United States under the Obama administration and a lot more about the people who actually make up the US social fabric itself. EXTRA: Two archived conversations between the late journalist Gil Noble speaking with American African social activist and US political prisoner, The Hon. Bro. Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown) discussing the colonial state of the African in North America.

Listen / Download: 115.4 MB — [mp3] / [ogg]

Further Information: Amy Goodman’s column: “Kalief Browder, Albert Woodfox & the Torture of Solitary Confinement” — [ow.ly/OewoK]

eMail + ‘4thworldradio@gmx.pt’
SKYPE + ‘aboriginalnewsgroup’
VoIP + ‘sip:apns@ekiga.net’
Voicemail/G+Talk + ‘aboriginalmediagroup’
APNSPR + ‘feeds.feedburner.com/aboriginalpressradio’

Be sure to catch 4WR on:

4th World Radyo [ aboriginalradio.wordpress.com ]
Radio Free Kansas [ blogtalkradio.com/fightincockflyer ]
Berkeley Liberation Radio [ berkeleyliberationradio.net ]
The Crazy Old Man Network [ thecrazyoldmannetwork.wordpress.com ]
Head On Radio Network [headonradionetwork.com]

And your local Pirate Radio Station…